.container.d-flex.flex-column .header.d-flex.flex-column.justify-content-between.align-items-center nav.topmenu.d-flex.justify-content-center a(href="#about") About .line.align-self-center a(href="#rules") Rules .line.align-self-center a(href="https://discord.gg/red") Join .server-info.d-flex.align-items-center.flex-column.text-center h1 Red - Discord Bot a.links-suppressor.join-btn.btn-pill.white(href="https://discord.gg/red") Join Server .inner.d-flex.flex-column section#about.d-flex.justify-content-between.flex-lg-nowrap.flex-wrap .image.image1(style="flex-grow: 1") .text h2 About p b Red |  is a fully modular bot which comes with sets of features/commands that can be enabled/disabled to your liking, making it customizable exactly how you want. You can turn Red into a trivia bot, an admin bot, a music bot (...) or all of these together br br b The default set of modules includes and it's not limited to: br ul li Moderation features (kick/ban/softban, filters, mod-log...) li Trivia (lists included and you can make new ones!) li Music features (playlists, youtube, soundcloud, queues...) li Stream alerts (twitch/hitbox) li Slot machines (yes, really!) li Custom commands li Imgur/gif search li And much much more section.discord-widget iframe.d-flex(src="https://discordapp.com/widget?id=279193513806135296&theme=dark", allowtransparency="true", frameborder="0") section#rules.d-flex.justify-content-between.flex-lg-nowrap.flex-wrap.flex-row-reverse .image.image2(style="flex-grow: 1") .text h2 Rules p b Red |  is a fully modular bot which comes with sets of features/commands that can be enabled/disabled to your liking, making it customizable exactly how you want. You can turn Red into a trivia bot, an admin bot, a music bot (...) or all of these together br br b The default set of modules includes and it's not limited to: br ul li Moderation features (kick/ban/softban, filters, mod-log...) li Trivia (lists included and you can make new ones!) li Music features (playlists, youtube, soundcloud, queues...) li Stream alerts (twitch/hitbox) li Slot machines (yes, really!) li Custom commands li Imgur/gif search li And much much more section.join.d-flex.justify-content-center .line.align-self-center(style="flex-grow: 1") a.links-suppressor.btn-pill.white(href="https://discord.gg/red") Join Server .line.align-self-center(style="flex-grow: 1") .footer.d-flex.justify-content-between.flex-lg-nowrap.flex-wrap .d-flex .block.d-flex.flex-column.justify-content-between h3.d-flex Staff span Twentysix26#2152 span JennJenn#4953 span Will#0234 span irdumb#9823 span Kowlin#8251 .block.d-flex.flex-column.justify-content-between h3.d-flex Moderators span Twentysix26#2152 span JennJenn#4953 span Will#0234 span irdumb#9823 span Kowlin#8251 p.align-self-end Red is a fully modular bot which comes with sets of features/commands that can be enabled/disabled to your liking, making it customizable exactly how you want. You can turn Red into a trivia bot, an admin bot, a music bot (...) or all of these together